what I stated in my information section, I wrote there I'm an artist. Days ago,
my Grandma decided to let someone clean her storage room in her house. She was
planning to revive and repaint the storage room and add something in order to
let any visitors use it for a visit. When that hired cleaner started cleaning,
he found out something from the big boxes and shelves. He told my grandma that
he found yearbooks, text books, sketches and drawings.
the cleaner man handed over those sketches to me, I was so fascinated! It
was actually some of my masterpieces way back in 2004 when I enrolled in a
painting class. I thought those sketches (my masterpieces) were already thrown
away. I was so happy seeing my masterpieces after 6 years. As I recall, it was still during my early freshmen years when I kept on designing and sketching, while
inspired after watching 101 and 102 Dalmatian and idolized Cruella De Vill’s
if I do paint and sketch, singing is really my ultimate passion. I am so
blessed to be given also a talent in drawing and those vivid imaginations.
Thank you Lord. :)
The ultimate Dalmatian Coat. The real version design from the 102 Dalmatian movie. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
A soiree dress and coat. |
One of my most favourite of all my drawings. The English & French inspired outfit. If I will be able to produce this, I want it in a tiger fur with a boots. |
The classic feather gown for a European ball. What a gown! |
An English coat for concerts and opera shows. See, I so love the cape. |
Oh no!!!! My most favourite of all my drawings and designs. This was my last masterpiece as far as I remember. I draw this somewhere in 2005 or 2006. |
The half outfit with a cape. The Black and White outfit. |